Registration Only vs. Registration and Enrollment

Before working in MathXL for School, students must register and enroll.

Registration: Creates a student's account and establishes a unique username and password.

Enrollment: Enrolls a student in the appropriate course using the teacher's Course ID.

What option is best for you?

Registration Only

This option is usually selected for district-wide implementations.

When students log in on day one, they are prompted to enter their teacher's MathXL for School Course ID. The teacher can provide this ID at the point the students need it for a very easy start-up process. Self-enrollment instructions can be downloaded for step-by-step guidance for students.

Registration & Enrollment

This option is usually selected by teachers who are batch-registering their own students, or for groups of teachers who already know their MathXL for School Course IDs at the time they are requesting the batch registration service.

When students log in on day one, they are already in the teacher's course, ready to work.